‘Under-Dog’ Photo Series Shows Off Dogs In A VERY Unique Way

If you are following our page, we know how much dogs mean to you. They are a huge part of our lives and they are the best companions we could ever ask for. Could they really get any cuter?

A 24-year-old Lithuanian photographer named Andrius Burba wanted to showcase dogs in a way that has never been done before — with the ‘Under Dog’ project. What is the Underdog Project? According to ABC News, “‘Under-Dog’ is a pet photo project that captures pups from underneath, offering both a rarely seen view of the canines as well as their animated facial expressions.”

How amazing is that? Such an incredible and unique idea! Although, this isn’t the first time he had this idea. His first project by this same concept was ‘Under-Cats,’ and the internet loved it. It went completely viral.

Since then, he’s captured other animals such as rabbits and horses in a similar way — from below! Burba even has plans to do more of these photo projects with bigger and wilder animals — like tigers and lions.