Dog SO Neglected He’s Unrecognizable As A Living Creature!

Certain dogs need a particular type of required care – for example – dogs with extremely thick fur that need constant grooming. But what happens if these types of dogs end up in the wrong hands?

In elderly Russian man passed away and he was the owner of a Bobtail – which is a type of English Sheepdog. When he passed, the dog named Cocos, was given to some people that should NEVER be pet owners.

Cocos new owners had no idea how to take care of this type of sweet dog so they gave him just enough to survive. They never once groomed Cocos which is absolutely terrible for this type of breed.

Cocos’ fur became so incredibly matted that he couldn’t even walk. The poor thing was basically dying in his own coat. Finally – someone noticed the neglect and called rescuers to help.