Adorable Bulldog Puppy Goes WILD – You Have To SEE Why!

If you’re anything like me you might like to go shopping. Maybe just a bit? Some new shoes or a new purse, maybe a new throw for the couch.

It’s fun! It’s nice to get new things to make your home pretty or make yourself feel pretty. What about those date nights with the hubby? That calls for a new dress right?!

We know humans have a love of material possessions. This can be seen on any street corner in any major city in the world. Hundreds of thousands of stores and websites all FILLED with new shiny things we must have!

But we can see this excitement in our pets too. My dog goes nuts over a new ball or squeaky toy and our friend’s dog will carry any new stuffed bff around for days!

So what happens when you mix the CUTEST little bulldog puppy you might have ever seen and a shiny new item? Well just the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen!! Continue to the next page to WATCH what happened!!!