Baby And Dog Bicker Back And Forth — Dog Hilariously Has Last Word

Can dogs understand the human language? Or do they just recognize different pitches or inflections of the voice? Sometimes — it really does feel like our dogs can understand everything we’re saying.

Otherwise, how can you explain this interaction between a dog and a baby? Okay — babies can’t talk, but if you’ve ever seen a dog interact with a small child or infant, it seems like they understand them as well. We have proof.

In the video on the next page, a super cute but super grumpy dog is caught “arguing” with his baby human sister. The sister is hardly over 6 months old and is having a bit of a hissy fit. She can’t stop fussing.

Mom had her phone nearby and decided to film this hilarious interaction. The baby and dog are seen bickering back and forth. It’s almost as if the baby can speak ‘dog’ as well as the other way around!

Every time baby lets out a cry or a whine, the dog can’t help but respond with his own rebuttal. He seems perfectly comfortable on his couch, so he doesn’t want to move — but he’ll make himself be heard.

It seems like the dog is getting fed up with hearing his baby sister cry, so he decides to make a stand — and it’s absolutely adorable